Monday, August 31, 2020

Can Black Hole Fire Up Cold Heart of the Phoenix?

Artist’s illustration of the structures seen in the observations.
Credit: NAOJ

Radio astronomers have detected jets of hot gas blasted out by a black hole in the galaxy at the heart of the Phoenix Galaxy Cluster, located 5.9 billion light-years away in the constellation Phoenix. This is an important result for understanding the coevolution of galaxies, gas, and black holes in galaxy clusters.

Galaxies are not distributed randomly in space. Through mutual gravitational attraction, galaxies gather together to form collections known as clusters. The space between galaxies is not entirely empty. There is very dilute gas throughout a cluster which can be detected by X-ray observations.

If this intra-cluster gas cooled, it would condense under its own gravity to form stars at the center of the cluster. However, cooled gas and stars are not usually observed in the hearts of nearby clusters, indicating that some mechanism must be heating the intra-cluster gas and preventing star formation. One potential candidate for the heat source is jets of high-speed gas accelerated by a super-massive black hole in the central galaxy.

The Phoenix Cluster is unusual in that it does show signs of dense cooled gas and massive star formation around the central galaxy. This raises the question, “does the central galaxy have black hole jets as well?”

A team led by Takaya Akahori at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan used the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) to search for black hole jets in the Phoenix Galaxy Cluster with the highest resolution to date. They detected matching structures extending out from opposite sides of the central galaxy. Comparing with observations of the region taken from the Chandra X-ray Observatory archive data shows that the structures detected by ATCA correspond to cavities of less dense gas, indicating that they are a pair of bipolar jets emitted by a black hole in the galaxy. Therefore, the team discovered the first example, in which intra-cluster gas cooling and black hole jets coexist, in the distant Universe.

Further details of the galaxy and jets could be elucidated through higher-resolution observations with next generation observational facilities, such as the Square Kilometre Array scheduled to start observations in the late 2020s.

These results appeared as T. Akahori et al. “Discovery of radio jets in the Phoenix galaxy cluster center” in the August 2020 issue of Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan.

Radio observations of the center of the Phoenix Galaxy Cluster showing jet structures extending out from the central galaxy. Credit: Akahori et al.  Original Size (1.4MB)

Related Links

Can Black Hole Fire Up Cold Heart of the Phoenix? (NAOJ Mizusaw

Can Black Hole Fire Up Cold Heart of the Phoenix? (The University of Tokyo) 

Sunday, August 30, 2020

New observations of black hole devouring a star reveal rapid disk formation

This image from a computer simulation shows the rapid formation of an accretion disk during the disruption of a star by a supermassive black hole. (Image credit: Jamie Law-Smith and Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz)

A model of ultraviolet and optical emission from the tidal disruption event AT 2018hyz is shown in this schematic diagram. As an accretion disk forms quickly after the TDE, it generates x-ray emission (black arrows) at small radii, which is only visible through the vertical funnel. In other directions, x-rays are reprocessed by the photosphere or wind, powering the ultraviolet and optical emissions. Hydrogen emission is produced at two distinct sites outside of the photosphere: a large elliptical disk (color-coded by velocity to show rotation) joined by the fallback material, and a broad emission line region (BLR) that is likely created by a radiation-driven wind (purple shaded area). See larger image. (Image credit: Tiara Hung)

First clear confirmation of accretion disk formation in a tidal disruption event without x-ray emissions supports theoretical predictions

When a star passes too close to a supermassive black hole, tidal forces tear it apart, producing a bright flare of radiation as material from the star falls into the black hole. Astronomers study the light from these “tidal disruption events” (TDEs) for clues to the feeding behavior of the supermassive black holes lurking at the centers of galaxies.

New TDE observations led by astronomers at UC Santa Cruz now provide clear evidence that debris from the star forms a rotating disk, called an accretion disk, around the black hole. Theorists have been debating whether an accretion disk can form efficiently during a tidal disruption event, and the new findings, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal and available online, should help resolve that question, said first author Tiara Hung, a postdoctoral researcher at UC Santa Cruz.

“In classical theory, the TDE flare is powered by an accretion disk, producing x-rays from the inner region where hot gas spirals into the black hole,” Hung said. “But for most TDEs, we don’t see x-rays—they mostly shine in the ultraviolet and optical wavelengths—so it was suggested that, instead of a disk, we’re seeing emissions from the collision of stellar debris streams.”

Coauthors Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz, professor of astronomy and astrophysics at UCSC, and Jane Dai at the University of Hong Kong developed a theoretical model, published in 2018, that can explain why x-rays are usually not observed in TDEs despite the formation of an accretion disk. The new observations provide strong support for this model.

“This is the first solid confirmation that accretion disks form in these events, even when we don’t see x-rays,” Ramirez-Ruiz said. “The region close to the black hole is obscured by an optically thick wind, so we don’t see the x-ray emissions, but we do see optical light from an extended elliptical disk.”

 Telltale evidence

The telltale evidence for an accretion disk comes from spectroscopic observations. Coauthor Ryan Foley, assistant professor of astronomy and astrophysics at UCSC, and his team began monitoring the TDE (named AT 2018hyz) after it was first detected in November 2018 by the All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN). Foley noticed an unusual spectrum while observing the TDE with the 3-meter Shane Telescope at UC’s Lick Observatory on the night of January 1, 2019.

“My jaw dropped, and I immediately knew this was going to be interesting,” he said. “What stood out was the hydrogen line—the emission from hydrogen gas—which had a double-peaked profile that was unlike any other TDE we’d seen.”

Foley explained that the double peak in the spectrum results from the Doppler effect, which shifts the frequency of light emitted by a moving object. In an accretion disk spiraling around a black hole and viewed at an angle, some of the material will be moving toward the observer, so the light it emits will be shifted to a higher frequency, and some of the material will be moving away from the observer, its light shifted to a lower frequency.

“It’s the same effect that causes the sound of a car on a race track to shift from a high pitch as the car comes toward you to a lower pitch when it passes and starts moving away from you,” Foley said. “If you’re sitting in the bleachers, the cars on one turn are all moving toward you and the cars on the other turn are moving away from you. In an accretion disk, the gas is moving around the black hole in a similar way, and that’s what gives the two peaks in the spectrum.”

The team continued to gather data over the next few months, observing the TDE with several telescopes as it evolved over time. Hung led a detailed analysis of the data, which indicates that disk formation took place relatively quickly, in a matter of weeks after the disruption of the star. The findings suggest that disk formation may be common among optically detected TDEs despite the rarity of double-peaked emission, which depends on factors such as the inclination of the disk relative to observers.

“I think we got lucky with this one,” Ramirez-Ruiz said. “Our simulations show that what we observe is very sensitive to the inclination. There is a preferred orientation to see these double-peak features, and a different orientation to see x-ray emissions.”

He noted that Hung’s analysis of multi-wavelength follow-up observations, including photometric and spectroscopic data, provides unprecedented insights into these unusual events. “When we have spectra, we can learn a lot about the kinematics of the gas and get a much clearer understanding of the accretion process and what is powering the emissions,” Ramirez-Ruiz said.

In addition to Hung, Foley, Ramirez-Ruiz, and other members of the UCSC team, the coauthors of the paper also include scientists at the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen (where Ramirez-Ruiz holds a Niels Bohr Professorship); University of Hong Kong; University of Melbourne, Australia; Carnegie Institution for Science; and Space Telescope Science Institute.

Observations were obtained at Lick Observatory, the W. M. Keck Observatory, the Southern Astrophysical Research (SOAR) telescope, and the Swope Telescope at Las Campanas Observatory in Chile. This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, and the Heising-Simons Foundation.


 Source: US Santa Cruz

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Rare encounters between cosmic heavyweights

Figure: SDSS J141637.44+003352.2, a dual quasar at a distance for which the light reaching us was emitted 4.6 billion years ago. The two quasars are 13,000 light years apart on the sky, placing them near the center of a single massive galaxy that appears to be part of a group, as shown by the neighboring galaxies in the left panel. In the lower panels, optical spectroscopy has revealed broad emission lines as-sociated with each of the two quasars, indicating that the gas is moving at thou-sands of kilometers per second in the vicinity of two distinct supermassive black holes. The two quasars are different colors, due to different amounts of dust in front of them. (Credit:Silverman et al.)

In our dynamically evolving Universe, galaxies occasionally experience collisions and mergers with a neighboring galaxy. These events can be dramatic, causing the birth of new stars, and the rapid feeding of the supermassive black hole that resides in each galaxy. It’s understood that these enormous black holes have masses millions to billions times larger than our Sun and exist in the center of all massive galaxies. As material swirls around the black hole, it is heated to high temperatures, releas-ing so much light that it can outshine its host galaxy. Astronomers refer to this phe-nomenon as a quasar.  

Simulations of galaxy mergers demonstrate that sometimes quasar activity occurs at the center of both galaxies concurrently as they undergo a cosmic dance. Such a merging pair will arise as a pair of luminous “dual” quasars. While astronomers have previously found a modest number of luminous quasar pairs, they are rare, much more so than the simulations predict. The difficulty has been not having observa-tions with both the ability to separate the light from the two quasars in close prox-imity and wide enough area coverage of the sky to catch these rare events in suffi-cient numbers.

To overcome these challenges, astronomers are taking advantage of a sensitive wide survey of the sky, using the Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) camera on the Subaru Tele-scope, to search for dual quasars. “To make our job easier, we started by looking at the 34,476 known quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey with HSC imaging to identify those having two (or more) distinct centers,” explains lead researcher John Silverman, of the Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe. “Honestly, we didn’t start out looking for dual quasars. We were examining images of these luminous quasars to determine which type of galaxies they preferred to reside in when we started to see cases with two optical sources in their centers where we only expected one.”
After a slight modification of their automated analysis tools, the team identified 421 promising cases. However, there was still the chance that many of these were not bona-fide dual quasars but rather chance projections such as due to stars in our own galaxy. Confirmation required detailed analysis of the light from the candidates to search for definitive signs of two distinct quasars. Using the Keck-I and Gemini-North telescopes near the summit of Maunakea in Hawai’i, Silverman and his team identified three dual quasars, two previously unknown: each object in the pair showed the signature of gas moving at thousands of kilometers per second under the influence of a supermassive black hole.  The Figure shows a newly-discovered dual quasar. The mass of each black hole is around 100 million times the mass of our Sun. The companion is redder than its partner, perhaps indicating that it is partially hidden behind other material left over from the collision between the host galaxi-es.

Based on these observations, the team estimates that 0.3% of all quasars have two supermassive black holes in the process of merging. The low fraction exemplifies their rarity and the reason so few were found in past searches. However, Shenli Tang, a graduate student at the University of Tokyo and a project member, points out, “In spite of their rarity, they represent an important stage in the evolution of galaxies, where the central giant is awakened, gaining mass, and potentially impact-ing the growth of its host galaxy.” These results demonstrate the promise of wide-area imaging to detect dual quasars for the study of the growth of galaxies and their supermassive black holes. These three detections are just the beginning of results to come with Subaru’s HSC, as the team obtains spectra of many more dual quasar candidates.

Source: Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (IPMU)

Paper details
Journal: The Astrophysical Journal
Title: Dual Supermassive Black Holes at Close Separation Revealed by the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program

Authors: John D. Silverman (1,2), Shenli Tang (1,3), Khee-Gan Lee (1), Tilman Hart-wig (1,3), Andy Goulding (4), Michael A. Strauss (4), Malte Schramm (5), Xuheng Ding (6), Rogemar Riffel (7,8), Seiji Fujimoto (9,10), Chiaki Hikage (1), Masatoshi Imanishi (5), Kazushi Iwasawa (11), Knud Jahnke (12), Issha Kayo (13), Nobunari Kashikawa (2), Toshihiro Kawaguchi (14), Kotaro Kohno (2), Wentao Luo (1), Yoshiki Matsuoka (15), Yuichi Matsuda (5), Tohru Nagao (15), Masamune Oguri (3), Yoshiaki Ono (16), Masafu-sa Onoue (12), Masami Ouchi (5,16), Kazuhiro Shimasaku (2), Hyewon Suh (17), Nao Suzuki (1), Yoshiaki Taniguchi (18), Yoshiki Toba (19), Yoshihiro Ueda (19), Naoki Ya-suda (1)

Author affiliations:

1. Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Uni-verse, The University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, 277-8583 (Kavli IPMU, WPI) Japan
2. Department of Astronomy, School of Science, The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hon-go, Bunkyo, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan
3. Institute for Physics of Intelligence, School of Science, The University of Tokyo, Bunkyo, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan
4. Department of Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton University, 4 Ivy Lane, Prince-ton, NJ 08544, USA
5. National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, 2-21-1 Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-8588, Japan
6. Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, 90095-1547, USA
7. Department of Physics & Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University, Bloomberg Center, 3400 N. Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21218, USA
8. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, CCNE, Departamento de Física, 97105-900, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil
9. Cosmic Dawn Center (DAWN), Denmark
10. Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Lyngbyvej 2, DK-2100, Copenha-gen, Denmark
11. ICREA and Institut de Ciències del Cosmos, Universitat de Barcelona, IEEC-UB, Martí i Franquès, 1, E-08028 Barcelona, Spain.
12. Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie, Königstuhl 17, D-69117 Heidel- berg, Germa-ny
13. Department of Liberal Arts, Tokyo University of Technology, Ota-ku, Tokyo 144-8650, Japan
14. Department of Economics, Management and Information Science, Onomichi City University, Hisayamada 1600-2, Onomichi, Hiroshima 722- 8506, Japan
15. Research Center for Space and Cosmic Evolution, Ehime University, 2- 5 Bunkyo-cho, Matsuyama, Ehime 790-8577, Japan
16. Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, The University of Tokyo, 5-1-5 Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8582, Japan
17. Subaru Telescope, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), National Institutes of Natural Sciences (NINS), 650 North A’ohoku place, Hilo, HI 96720, USA
18. The Open University of Japan, 2-11 Wakaba, Mihama-ku, Chiba 261- 8586, Japan
19. Department of Astronomy, Kyoto University, Kitashirakawa-Oiwake- cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan

DOI: (Published August 26, 2020)
Paper abstract (Astrophysical Journal)
Preprint (

Research contact:

John David Silverman
Associate Professor
Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe
The University of Tokyo
TEL: 04-7136-6550

Media contact:

John Amari
Press officer 
Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe
The University of Tokyo
TEL: 080-4056-2767

Related links

Rare Encounters between Cosmic Heavyweights (Subaru Telescope)

Rare encounters between cosmic heavyweights (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)

Rare Encounters Between Cosmic Heavyweights (W. M. Keck Observatory)


Friday, August 28, 2020

Hubble Maps a Giant Halo Around the Andromeda Galaxy

This illustration shows the location of the 43 quasars scientists used to probe Andromeda’s gaseous halo. These quasars—the very distant, brilliant cores of active galaxies powered by black holes—are scattered far behind the halo, allowing scientists to probe multiple regions. Looking through the immense halo at the quasars’ light, the team observed how this light is absorbed by the halo and how that absorption changes in different regions. By tracing the absorption of light coming from the background quasars, scientists are able to probe the halo’s material. Credits:NASA,ESA, and E. Wheatley (STScI)

At a distance of 2.5 million light-years, the majestic spiral Andromeda galaxy it is so close to us that it appears as a cigar-shaped smudge of light high in the autumn sky. If its gaseous halo could be seen with the naked eye, it would be about three times the width of the Big Dipper—easily the biggest feature on the nighttime sky. Credits: NASA, ESA, J. DePasquale and E. Wheatley (STScI) and Z. Levay 

This diagram shows the light from a background quasar passing through the vast, gaseous halo around the neighboring Andromeda galaxy (c, as spectroscopically measured by the Hubble Space Telescope. The colored regions show absorption from two components that make up the halo. For ionized silicon, a significant absorption is shown in both plots. The more highly ionized carbon is absorbed by only one component. Astronomers can tell the two components apart because their line-of-sight motions, known as radial velocity, cause a Doppler shift that changes the wavelength of light being absorbed. Credits: NASA, ESA, and E. Wheatley (STScI) 

In a landmark study, scientists using NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope have mapped the immense envelope of gas, called a halo, surrounding the Andromeda galaxy, our nearest large galactic neighbor. Scientists were surprised to find that this tenuous, nearly invisible halo of diffuse plasma extends 1.3 million light-years from the galaxy—about halfway to our Milky Way—and as far as 2 million light-years in some directions. This means that Andromeda’s halo is already bumping into the halo of our own galaxy.

They also found that the halo has a layered structure, with two main nested and distinct shells of gas. This is the most comprehensive study of a halo surrounding a galaxy.

“Understanding the huge halos of gas surrounding galaxies is immensely important,” explained co-investigator Samantha Berek of Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut. “This reservoir of gas contains fuel for future star formation within the galaxy, as well as outflows from events such as supernovae. It’s full of clues regarding the past and future evolution of the galaxy, and we’re finally able to study it in great detail in our closest galactic neighbor.”

“We find the inner shell that extends to about a half million light-years is far more complex and dynamic,” explained study leader Nicolas Lehner of the University of Notre Dame in Indiana. “The outer shell is smoother and hotter. This difference is a likely result from the impact of supernova activity in the galaxy’s disk more directly affecting the inner halo.”

A signature of this activity is the team’s discovery of a large amount of heavy elements in the gaseous halo of Andromeda. Heavier elements are cooked up in the interiors of stars and then ejected into space—sometimes violently as a star dies. The halo is then contaminated with this material from stellar explosions.

The Andromeda galaxy, also known as M31, is a majestic spiral of perhaps as many as 1 trillion stars and comparable in size to our Milky Way. At a distance of 2.5 million light-years, it is so close to us that the galaxy appears as a cigar-shaped smudge of light high in the autumn sky. If its gaseous halo could be viewed with the naked eye, it would be about three times the width of the Big Dipper. This would easily be the biggest feature on the nighttime sky.

Through a program called Project AMIGA (Absorption Map of Ionized Gas in Andromeda), the study examined the light from 43 quasars—the very distant, brilliant cores of active galaxies powered by black holes—located far beyond Andromeda. The quasars are scattered behind the halo, allowing scientists to probe multiple regions. Looking through the halo at the quasars’ light, the team observed how this light is absorbed by the Andromeda halo and how that absorption changes in different regions. The immense Andromeda halo is made of very rarified and ionized gas that doesn’t emit radiation that is easily detectable. Therefore, tracing the absorption of light coming from a background source is a better way to probe this material.

The researchers used the unique capability of Hubble’s Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) to study the ultraviolet light from the quasars. Ultraviolet light is absorbed by Earth’s atmosphere, which makes it impossible to observe with ground-based telescopes. The team used COS to detect ionized gas from carbon, silicon and oxygen. An atom becomes ionized when radiation strips one or more electrons from it.

Andromeda’s halo has been probed before by Lehner’s team. In 2015, they discovered that the Andromeda halo is large and massive. But there was little hint of its complexity; now, it’s mapped out in more detail, leading to its size and mass being far more accurately determined.

“Previously, there was very little information—only six quasars—within 1 million light-years of the galaxy. This new program provides much more information on this inner region of Andromeda’s halo,” explained co-investigator J. Christopher Howk, also of Notre Dame. “Probing gas within this radius is important, as it represents something of a gravitational sphere of influence for Andromeda.”

Because we live inside the Milky Way, scientists cannot easily interpret the signature of our own galaxy’s halo. However, they believe the halos of Andromeda and the Milky Way must be very similar since these two galaxies are quite similar. The two galaxies are on a collision course, and will merge to form a giant elliptical galaxy beginning about 4 billion years from now.

Scientists have studied gaseous halos of more distant galaxies, but those galaxies are much smaller on the sky, meaning the number of bright enough background quasars to probe their halo is usually only one per galaxy. Spatial information is therefore essentially lost. With its close proximity to Earth, the gaseous halo of Andromeda looms large on the sky, allowing for a far more extensive sampling.

“This is truly a unique experiment because only with Andromeda do we have information on its halo along not only one or two sightlines, but over 40,” explained Lehner. “This is groundbreaking for capturing the complexity of a galaxy halo beyond our own Milky Way.”

In fact, Andromeda is the only galaxy in the universe for which this experiment can be done now, and only with Hubble. Only with an ultraviolet-sensitive future space telescope will scientists be able to routinely undertake this type of experiment beyond the approximately 30 galaxies comprising the Local Group.

“So Project AMIGA has also given us a glimpse of the future,” said Lehner.

The team’s findings appear in the August 27 edition of The Astrophysical Journal.

The Hubble Space Telescope is a project of international cooperation between NASA and ESA (European Space Agency). NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, manages the telescope. The Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) in Baltimore, Maryland, conducts Hubble science operations. STScI is operated for NASA by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, in Washington, D.C.

Source: HubbleSite/News

Release Images


Ann Jenkins / Ray Villard
Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, Maryland
410-338-4488 / 410-338-4514 / 

Nicolas Lehner
University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana

Relatec Links

The science paper by N. Lehner et al.  

NASA's Hubble Portal

Hubble Finds Giant Halo Around the Andromeda Galaxy (STScI's News Release - May 7, 2015) 

Thursday, August 27, 2020

How to feed a baby star

Artistic impression of the hot gas streams that help young stars grow. Magnetic fields guide matter from the surrounding circumstellar disk, the birthplace of the planets, to the surface of the star, where they produce intense bursts of radiation. Image: A. Mark Garlick

Gas reaches young stars along magnetic field lines

Astronomers have used the GRAVITY instrument to study the immediate vicinity of a young star in more detail than ever before. Their observations confirm a thirty-year-old theory about the growth of young stars: the magnetic field produced by the star itself directs material from a surrounding accretion disk of gas and dust onto its surface. The results, published today in the journal Nature, help astronomers to better understand how stars like our Sun are formed and how Earth-like planets are produced from the disks surrounding these stellar babies

When stars form, they start out comparatively small and are located deep inside a cloud of gas. Over the course of the next hundreds of thousands of years, they draw more and more of the surrounding gas onto themselves, increasing their mass in the process. Using the GRAVITY instrument, a group of researchers that includes astronomers and engineers from the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (MPIA), has now found the most direct evidence yet for how that gas is funnelled onto young stars: it is guided by the star's magnetic field onto the surface in a narrow column.

The relevant length scales are so small that even with the best telescopes currently available no detailed images of the process are possible. Still, using the latest observation technology, astronomers can at least glean some information. For the new study, the researchers made use of the superbly high resolving power of the instrument called GRAVITY. It combines four 8-meter VLT telescopes of the European Southern Observatory (ESO) at Paranal observatory in Chile into a virtual telescope that can distinguish small details as well as a telescope with a 100-meter-mirror could.

Using GRAVITY, the researchers were able to observe the inner part of the gas disk surrounding the star TW Hydrae. “This star is special because it is very close to Earth at only 196 light years away, and the disk of matter surrounding the star is directly facing us,” says Rebeca García López (Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies and University College Dublin), main author and leading scientist of this study. “This makes it an ideal candidate to probe how matter from a planet forming disk is channelled on to the stellar surface.”

The observation allowed the astronomers to show that near-infrared radiation emitted by the entire system indeed originates in the innermost region, where hydrogen gas is falling onto the star's surface. The results point clearly towards a process known as magnetospheric accretion, that is, infalling matter guided by the star's magnetic field.

Stellar birth and stellar growth

A star is born when a dense region within a cloud of molecular gas collapses under its own gravity, becomes considerably denser, heats up in the process, until eventually density and temperature in the resulting protostar are so high that nuclear fusion of hydrogen to helium starts. For protostars up to about two times the mass of the Sun, the ten or so million years directly before the ignition of proton-proton nuclear fusion constitute the so-called T Tauri phase (named after the first observed star of this kind, T Tauri in the constellation Taurus).

Stars that we see in that phase of their development, known as T Tauri stars, shine quite brightly, in particular in infrared light. These so-called “young stellar objects” (YSOs) have not yet reached their final mass: they are surrounded by the remnants of the cloud from which they were born, in particular by gas that has contracted into a circumstellar disk surrounding the star. In the outer regions of that disk, dust and gas clump together and form ever-larger bodies, which will eventually become planets. Large amounts of gas and dust from the inner disk region, on the other hand, are drawn onto the star, increasing its mass. Last but not least, the star's intense radiation drives out a considerable portion of the gas as a stellar wind.

Guidelines to the surface: the star's magnetic field

Naively, one might think that transporting gas or dust onto a massive, gravitating body is easy. Instead, it turns out to be not that simple at all. Due to what physicists call the conservation of angular momentum, it is much more natural for any object – whether planet or gas cloud – to orbit a mass than to drop straight onto its surface. One reason why some matter nonetheless manages to reach the surface is a so-called accretion disk, in which gas orbits the central mass. There is plenty of internal friction inside that continually allows some of the gas to transfer its angular momentum to other portions of gas and move further inward. Yet, at a distance from the star of less than 10 times the stellar radius, the accretion process gets more complex. Traversing that last distance is tricky.

Thirty years ago, Max Camenzind, at the Landessternwarte Königstuhl (which has since become a part of the University of Heidelberg), proposed a solution to this problem. Stars typically have magnetic fields – those of our Sun, for instance, regularly accelerate electrically charged particles in our direction, leading to the phenomenon of Northern or Southern lights. In what has become known as magnetospheric accretion, the magnetic fields of the young stellar object guide gas from the inner rim of the circumstellar disk to the surface in distinct column-like flows, helping them to shed angular momentum in a way that allows the gas to flow onto the star.

In the simplest scenario, the magnetic field looks similar to that of the Earth. Gas from the inner rim of the disk would be funneled to the magnetic North and to the magnetic South pole of the star.

Checking up on magnetospheric accretion

Having a model that explains certain physical processes is one thing. However, it is important to be able to test that model using observations. But the length scales in question are of the order of stellar radii, very small on astronomical scales. Until recently, such length scales were too small, even around the nearest young stars, for astronomers to be able to take a picture showing all relevant details.

First indication that magnetospheric accretion is indeed present came from examining the spectra of some T Tauri stars. Spectra of gas clouds contain information about the motion of the gas. For some T Tauri stars, spectra revealed disk material falling onto the stellar surface with velocities as high as several hundred kilometers per second, providing indirect evidence for the presence of accretion flows along magnetic field lines. In a few cases, the strength of the magnetic field close to a T Tauri star could be directly measured by a combining high-resolution spectra and polarimetry, which records the orientation of the electromagnetic waves we receive from an object.

More recently, instruments have become sufficiently advanced – more specifically: have reached sufficiently high resolution, a sufficiently good capability to discern small details – so as to allow direct observations that provide insights into magnetospheric accretion.

The instrument GRAVITY plays a key role here. It was developed by a consortium that includes the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, led by the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics. In operation since 2016, GRAVITY links the four 8-meter-telescopes of the VLT, located at the Paranal observatory of the European Southern Observatory (ESO). The instrument uses a special technique known as interferometry. The result is that GRAVITY can distinguish details so small as if the observations were made by a single telescope with a 100-m mirror.

Catching magnetic funnels in the act

In the Summer of 2019, a team of astronomers led by Jerome Bouvier of the University of Grenobles Alpes used GRAVITY to probe the inner regions of the T Tauri Star with the designation DoAr 44. It denotes the 44th T Tauri star in a nearby star forming region in the constellation Ophiuchus, catalogued in the late 1950s by the Georgian astronomer Madona Dolidze and the Armenian astronomer Marat Arakelyan. The system in question emits considerable light at a wavelength that is characteristic for highly excited hydrogen. Energetic ultraviolet radiation from the star ionizes individual hydrogen atoms in the accretion disk orbiting the star.

The magnetic field then influences the electrically charged hydrogen nuclei (each a single proton). The details of the physical processes that heat the hydrogen gas as it moves along the accretion current towards the star are not yet understood. The observed greatly broadened spectral lines show that heating occurs.

For the GRAVITY observations, the angular resolution was sufficiently high to show that the light was not produced in the circumstellar disk, but closer to the star's surface. Moreover, the source of that particular light was shifted slightly relative to the centre of the star itself. Both properties are consistent with the light being emitted near one end of a magnetic funnel, where the infalling hydrogen gas collides with the surface of the star. Those results have been published in an article in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics.

The new results, which have now been published in the journal Nature, go one step further. In this case, the GRAVITY observations targeted the T Tauri star TW Hydrae, a young star in the constellation Hydra. They are based on GRAVITY observations of the T Tauri star TW Hydrae, a young star in the constellation Hydra. It is probably the best-studied system of its kind.

Schematic representation of the process of magnetospheric accretion of material onto a young star.

Magnetic fields produced by the young star carry gas through flow channels from the disk to the polar regions of the star. The ionized hydrogen gas emits . Image: MPIA graphics department

Too small to be part of the disk

With those observations, Rebeca García López and her colleagues have pushed the boundaries even further inwards. GRAVITY could see the emissions corresponding to the line associated with highly excited hydrogen (Brackett-γ, Brγ) and demonstrate that they stem from a region no more than 3.5 times the radius of the star across (about 3 million km, or 8 times the distance the distance between the Earth and the Moon).

This is a significant difference. According to all physics-based models, the inner rim of a circumstellar disk cannot possibly be that close to the star. If the light originates from that region, it cannot be emitted from any section of the disk. At that distance, the light also cannot be due to a stellar wind blown away by the young stellar object – the only other realistic possibility. Taken together, what is left as a plausible explanation is the magnetospheric accretion model.

What’s next?

In future observations, again using GRAVITY, the researchers will try to get data that allows them a more detailed reconstruction of physical processes close to the star. “By observing the location of the funnel's lower endpoint over time, we hope to pick up clues as to how distant the magnetic North and South poles are from the star’s axis of rotation,” explains Wolfgang Brandner, co-author and scientist at MPIA. If North and South Pole directly aligned with the rotation axis, their position over time would not change at all.

They also hope to pick up clues as to whether the star’s magnetic field is really as simple as a North Pole–South Pole configuration. “Magnetic fields can be much more complicated and have additional poles,” explains Thomas Henning, Director at MPIA. “The fields can also change over time, which is part of a presumed explanation for the brightness variations of T Tauri stars.”

All in all, this is an example of how observational techniques can drive progress in astronomy. In this case, the new observational techniques embody in GRAVITY were able to confirm ideas about the growth of young stellar objects that were proposed as long as 30 years ago. And future observations are set to help us understand even better how baby stars are being fed.

Background information

The MPIA researchers involved are Rebeca García López (also Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies [DIAS] and University College Dublin), Alessio Caratti o Garatti (also DIAS), Lucia Klarmann, Joel Sanchez-Bermudez, Wolfgang Brandner, Thomas Henning, Stefan Hippler and Silvia Scheithauer, as part of the GRAVITY Collaboration.

Source: Max Planck Institute for Astronomy


Rebeca García López

Phone:+353 1 716-2223

Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg


Wolfgang Brandner

Phone:+49 6221 528-289

Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg


Markus Pössel

Head of press and public relations

Phone:+49 6221 528-261

Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg


Markus Nielbock

Press and public relations officer

Phone:+49 6221 528-134

Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg


Original publications

1. GRAVITY Collaboration: R. Garcia Lopez et al. A measure of the size of the magnetospheric accretion region in TW Hydrae

Nature (2020), DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2613-1 - Source

2. J. Bouvier et al.

Probing the magnetospheric accretion region of the young pre-transitional disk system DoAr 44 using VLTI/GRAVITY Astronomy & Astrophysics, 636, A108 (2020) .  Source / DOI 


Images in high resolution

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Press releases of our partners

GRAVITY observes young star feeding from its surrounding disk

Max Planck Institute for extraterrestrial Physics


GRAVITY webpages at MPIA

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

NASA Missions Explore a 'TIE Fighter' Active Galaxyl

TXS 0128 at 15.4 gigahertz as observed by the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA).
Credit: NRAO

Not so long ago, astronomers mapped a galaxy far, far away using radio waves and found it has a strikingly familiar shape. In the process, they discovered the object, called TXS 0128+554, experienced two powerful bouts of activity in the last century.

Around five years ago, NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope reported that TXS 0128+554 (TXS 0128 for short) is a faint source of gamma rays, the highest-energy form of light. Scientists have since taken a closer look using the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) and NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory.

"After the Fermi announcement, we zoomed in a million times closer on the galaxy using the VLBA's radio antennas and charted its shape over time," said Matthew Lister, a professor of physics and astronomy at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. "The first time I saw the results, I immediately thought it looked like Darth Vader's TIE fighter spacecraft from 'Star Wars: A New Hope.' That was a fun surprise, but its appearance at different radio frequencies also helped us learn more about how active galaxies can change dramatically on decade time scales."

A paper describing the findings, led by Lister, was published in the Aug. 25 issue of The Astrophysical Journal Letters and is now available online.

These illustrations show two views of the active galaxy TXS 0128+554, located around 500 million light-years away

Left: The galaxy's central jets appear as they would if we viewed them both at the same angle. The black hole, embedded in a disk of dust and gas, launches a pair of particle jets traveling at nearly the speed of light. Scientists think gamma rays (magenta) detected by NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope originate from the base of these jets. As the jets collide with material surrounding the galaxy, they form identical lobes seen at radio wavelengths (orange). The jets experienced two distinct bouts of activity, which created the gap between the lobes and the core.

Right: The galaxy appears in its actual orientation, with its jets tipped out of our line of sight by about 50 degrees.  Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center

TXS 0128 lies 500 million light-years away in the constellation Cassiopeia, anchored by a supermassive black hole around 1 billion times the Sun's mass. It's classified as an active galaxy, which means all its stars together can't account for the amount of light it emits.

An active galaxy's extra energy includes excess radio, X-ray, and gamma-ray light. Scientists think this emission arises from regions near its central black hole, where a swirling disk of gas and dust accumulates and heats up because of gravitational and frictional forces.

Around one-tenth of active galaxies produce a pair of jets, beams of high-energy particles traveling at nearly the speed of light in opposite directions. Astrophysicists think these jets produce gamma rays. In some cases, collisions with tenuous intergalactic gas eventually slow and halt the outward motion of jet particles, and the material starts to flow back toward the galaxy's center. This results in broad regions, or lobes, filled with fast-moving particles spiraling around magnetic fields. The particle interactions create bright radio emission.

Fermi has identified over 3,000 active galaxies using its Large Area Telescope, which surveys the entire sky every three hours. Nearly all of them ar

e aligned so that one jet points almost directly at Earth, which boosts their signals. TXS 0128, however, is around 100,000 times less powerful than most of them. In fact, even though it's relatively nearby, Fermi needed to accumulate five years of data from the galaxy before reporting it as a gamma-ray source in 2015.

Researchers then added the galaxy to a long-running survey conducted by the VLBA, a network of radio antennas operated by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory stretching from Hawaii to the U.S. Virgin Islands.

The array's measurements provide a detailed map of TXS 0128 at different radio frequencies. The radio structure they revealed spans 35 light-years across and tilts about 50 degrees out of our line of sight. This angle means the jets aren't pointed directly at us and may explain why the galaxy is so dim in gamma rays.

"The real-world universe is three-dimensional, but when we look out into space, we usually only see two dimensions," said Daniel Homan, a co-author and professor of astronomy at Denison University in Granville, Ohio. "In this case, we're lucky because the galaxy is angled in such a way, from our perspective, that the light from the farther lobe travels dozens more light-years to reach us than the light from the nearer one. This means we're seeing the farther lobe at an earlier point in its evolution."

If the galaxy was aligned so the jets and lobes were perpendicular to our line of sight, all the light would reach Earth at the same time. We would see both sides at the same stage of development, which they are in reality.

TXS 0128 lies 500 million light-years away in the constellation Cassiopeia, anchored by a supermassive black hole around 1 billion times the Sun's mass. It's classified as an active galaxy, which means all its stars together can't account for the amount of light it emits.

An active galaxy's extra energy includes excess radio, X-ray, and gamma-ray light. Scientists think this emission arises from regions near its central black hole, where a swirling disk of gas and dust accumulates and heats up because of gravitational and frictional forces.

Around one-tenth of active galaxies produce a pair of jets, beams of high-energy particles traveling at nearly the speed of light in opposite directions. Astrophysicists think these jets produce gamma rays. In some cases, collisions with tenuous intergalactic gas eventually slow and halt the outward motion of jet particles, and the material starts to flow back toward the galaxy's center. This results in broad regions, or lobes, filled with fast-moving particles spiraling around magnetic fields. The particle interactions create bright radio emission.

Fermi has identified over 3,000 active galaxies using its Large Area Telescope, which surveys the entire sky every three hours. Nearly all of them are aligned so that one jet points almost directly at Earth, which boosts their signals. TXS 0128, however, is around 100,000 times less powerful than most of them. In fact, even though it's relatively nearby, Fermi needed to accumulate five years of data from the galaxy before reporting it as a gamma-ray source in 2015.

Researchers then added the galaxy to a long-running survey conducted by the VLBA, a network of radio antennas operated by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory stretching from Hawaii to the U.S. Virgin Islands.

The array's measurements provide a detailed map of TXS 0128 at different radio frequencies. The radio structure they revealed spans 35 light-years across and tilts about 50 degrees out of our line of sight. This angle means the jets aren't pointed directly at us and may explain why the galaxy is so dim in gamma rays.

"The real-world universe is three-dimensional, but when we look out into space, we usually only see two dimensions," said Daniel Homan, a co-author and professor of astronomy at Denison University in Granville, Ohio. "In this case, we're lucky because the galaxy is angled in such a way, from our perspective, that the light from the farther lobe travels dozens more light-years to reach us than the light from the nearer one. This means we're seeing the farther lobe at an earlier point in its evolution."

If the galaxy was aligned so the jets and lobes were perpendicular to our line of sight, all the light would reach Earth at the same time. We would see both sides at the same stage of development, which they are in reality.

This animation shows the changing appearance of active galaxy TXS 0128 at six radio wavelengths measured by the Very Long Baseline Array: 2.3, 5, 6.6, 8.4, 15.4, and 22.2 gigahertz (GHz). Credit: NRAO/NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center

The galaxy's apparent shape depends on the radio frequency used. At 2.3 gigahertz (GHz), about 21 times greater than the maximum broadcast frequency of FM radio, it looks like an amorphous blob. The TIE fighter shape emerges at 6.6 GHz. Then, at 15.4 GHz, a clear gap in the radio emission appears between the galaxy's core and its lobes. Lister's team suspects a lull in TXS 0128's activity created this gap. The galaxy's jets appear to have started around 90 years ago, as observed from Earth, and then stopped about 50 years later, leaving behind the unconnected lobes. Then, roughly a decade ago, the jets turned on again, producing the emission seen closer to the core. What caused the sudden onset of these active periods remains unclear.

The radio emission also sheds light on the location of the galaxy's gamma-ray signal. Many theorists predicted that young, radio-bright active galaxies produce gamma rays when their jets collide with intergalactic gas. But in TXS 0128's case, at least, the particles in the lobes don't produce enough combined energy to generate the detected gamma rays. Instead, Lister's team thinks the galaxy's jets produce gamma rays closer to the core, like the majority of active galaxies Fermi sees.

The team observed the galaxy in X-rays using Chandra, looking for evidence of an enveloping cocoon of ionized gas. While their measurements couldn't confirm the presence or absence of a cocoon, there has been evidence for such structures in other active galaxies, like Cygnus A. The observations do indicate the galaxy has a large amount of dust and gas surrounding its core, which is consistent with a highly inclined viewing angle.

"This galaxy reminds us of the importance of multiwavelength observations, looking at objects across a wide range of the electromagnetic spectrum," said Elizabeth Hays, the Fermi project scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. "Fermi, the VLBA, and Chandra each add a layer to our growing picture of this object, revealing their own surprises."

The Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope is an astrophysics and particle physics partnership managed by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. Fermi was developed in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Energy, with important contributions from academic institutions and partners in France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Sweden, and the United States.

NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center manages the Chandra program. The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory's Chandra X-ray Center controls science and flight operations from Cambridge and Burlington, Massachusetts.

By Jeanette Kazmierczak
NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.

Media Contact:

Claire Andreoli
NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.
(301) 286-1940


Source:  NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory/Press Room


Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Spinning Black Hole Powers Jet by Magnetic Flux

The centre of quasar 3C279 emits flickering gamma radiation, which is characteristic of the phenomenon of magnetic reconnection. (Image: Amit Shukla / Indian Institute of Technology)

A new letter has been found in the mysterious alphabet of black holes. Two astrophysicists share this discovery in the journal Nature Communications. 

Black holes are at the center of almost all galaxies that have been studied so far. They have an unimaginably large mass and therefore attract matter, gas and even light. But they can also emit matter in the form of plasma jets - a kind of plasma beam that is ejected from the centre of the galaxy with tremendous energy. A plasma jet can extend several hundred thousand light years far into space.

When this intense radiation is emitted, the black hole remains hidden because the light rays near it are strongly bent leading to the appearance of a shadow. This was recently reported by researchers of the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) collaboration for the massive black hole in the giant ellipse galaxy M87.

In quasar 3C279 – also a black hole – the EHT team found another phenomenon: At a distance of more than a thousand times the shadow of the black hole, the core of a plasma jet suddenly lit up. How the energy for this jet could get there as if through an invisible chimney was not yet known.

Extremely flickering gamma radiation detected

This quasar has now been observed with the NASA space telescope Fermi-LAT by the astrophysicist Amit Shukla, who until 2018 did research at Julius-Maximilians-Universität (JMU) Würzburg in Bavaria, Germany. He now is working at the Indian Institute of Technology in Indore. Shukla discovered that the core of the jet, which was found in the millimeter wavelength range, also emits high-energy gamma radiation, but with an extremely flickering brightness. This brightness can double within a few minutes, as reported in the journal Nature Communications.

The special pattern of the sequence of brightness changes is characteristic of a universal process called magnetic reconnection, which occurs in many astrophysical objects with strong magnetic fields. Solar activity also has to do with the dynamics of magnetic fields and reconnection. This was recently demonstrated by observing "campfires" in the solar atmosphere with the "Solar Orbiter" mission of the European Space Agency ESA.

Invisibly stored energy is suddenly released

But back to the quasar 3C279: "I saw how the analysis of the data revealed the special pattern of magnetic reconnection in the light curve. It felt as if I had suddenly deciphered a hieroglyph in the black hole alphabet," says Amit Shukla happily.

During reconnection, energy that is initially stored invisibly in the magnetic field is suddenly released in numerous "mini-jets". In these jets, particles are accelerated, which then produce the observed gamma radiation. Magnetic reconnection would explain how the energy reaches the jet's core from the black hole and where it ultimately comes from.

Energy from the spinning black hole

Professor Karl Mannheim, head of the JMU Chair of Astronomy and co-author of the publication, explains: "Spacetime near the black hole in the quasar 3C279 is forced to swirl around in corotation.  Magnetic fields anchored to the plasma around the black hole expel the jet slowing down the black hole’s rotation and converting part of its rotational energy into radiation”.


Gamma-ray flares from relativistic magnetic reconnection in the jet of the quasar 3C 279, A. Shukla & K. Mannheim, Nature Communications, 21 August 2020,


Prof. Dr. Karl Mannheim, Chair of Astronomy, University of Würzburg,

By Robert Emmerich

 Source: Julius-Maximilians-Universität of Würzburg (JMU)/News

Monday, August 24, 2020

The Cold Case of Carbon Monoxide

Hubble's sharpest view of the Orion Nebula

Credit: NASA, ESA, M. Robberto ( Space Telescope Science Institute/ESA) and the Hubble Space Telescope Orion Treasury Project Team

Fifty years ago, astronomers discovered carbon monoxide in space. It allowed us to see dark regions of the universe, and helped us understand it more clearly.

Half a century ago, using a National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) 36-foot telescope in Tuscon, Arizona, three astronomers, R. W. Wilson, K. B. Jefferts, and A. A. Penzias made the first discovery of carbon monoxide (CO) in space. It was a small result, just the observation of a bright radio signal from within the Orion Nebula. The paper announcing the discovery is two pages long. But sometimes a small discovery can change the way we see the universe.

Astronomers can only see atoms and molecules in space by studying their light. The light they absorb and the light they emit. It can be difficult to observe this light because most of the gas in the universe is cold and dark. The first atom to be seen in space was hydrogen, which emits a faint radio light with a wavelength of 21 centimeters. This light could be seen because hydrogen is by far the most abundant element in the universe. Carbon monoxide is much rarer, but the light it emits is bright and distinct. And CO gas tends to be found in cold, dense, interstellar clouds. Its discovery let astronomers study these clouds in a new way.

A visualization of cold carbon monoxide gas in the Sculptor Galaxy.

One of the first surprises was that cold gas clouds are very common in the Milky Way. Before the radio observation of CO, the clouds could only be seen in visible light, and only where they blocked or reflected the light of nearby bright stars. Most were invisible to optical telescopes. With radio telescopes, astronomers could see clouds of gas and dust throughout our galaxy. As radio astronomers discovered more types of molecules in space, they began to understand the complex chemistry that occurs in these interstellar clouds.

Cold carbon monoxide gas emits a clear and distinct radio signal, so it can be used as a good measure of the density and motion of interstellar clouds. This is particularly useful in the study of planet-forming regions within these clouds. The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) has observed the light from CO gas to identify clumps within the planet-forming disks around young stars. The clumps indicate where new planets might be forming.

ALMA image of the debris disk surrounding a star in the Scorpius-Centaurus Association known as HIP 73145. The green region maps the carbon monoxide gas that suffuses the debris disk. The red is the millimeter-wavelength light emitted by the dust surrounding the central star. The star HIP 73145 is estimated to be approximately twice the mass of the Sun. The disk in this system extends well past what would be the orbit of Neptune in our solar system, drawn in for scale. The location of the central star is also highlighted for reference.

One of the challenges in optical astronomy is that dusty regions can absorb and scatter much of the optical light emitted by stars. It’s similar to the way fog might hide your view of distant city lights. This is particularly true in the region near the center of our galaxy, and it makes it difficult for astronomers to study the far side of the Milky Way. But the radio light emitted by carbon monoxide penetrates through this region very well. Because of this, radio astronomers have been able to identify gas clouds throughout our galaxy, even within distant spiral arms. This allows astronomers to study the structure of the Milky Way, and how it differs from other spiral galaxies.

The spiral galaxy M51: Left, as seen with the Hubble Space Telescope; Right, radio image showing location of Carbon Monoxide gas.

The CO molecule was detected because NRAO’s 36-foot telescope was capable of observing short radio wavelengths of only a few millimeters. Millimeter-wavelength radio astronomy continues be on the cutting edge of radio technology. Through it, dark regions of the universe have become bright beacons of understanding.


Wilson, R. W., K. B. Jefferts, and A. A. Penzias. “Carbon monoxide in the Orion nebula.” The Astrophysical Journal 161 (1970): L43.

Source: National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO)/News

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Hubble Snaps Close-Up of Comet NEOWISE

Hubble Captures Comet NEOWISE
Comet NEOWISE Pullout in Ground-Based Image 


The Jets of Comet NEOWISE
The Jets of Comet NEOWISE 

The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope has captured the closest images yet of the sky’s latest visitor to make the headlines, comet C/2020 F3 NEOWISE, after it passed by the Sun. The new images of the comet were taken on 8 August and feature the visitor’s coma, the fine shell that surrounds its nucleus, and its dusty output.

Comet NEOWISE is the brightest comet visible from the Northern Hemisphere since 1997’s Hale-Bopp comet. It’s estimated to be travelling at over 60 kilometres per second. The comet’s closest approach to the Sun was on 3 July and it’s now heading back to the outer reaches of the Solar System, not to pass through our neighbourhood again for another 7000 years.

Hubble’s observation of NEOWISE is the first time a comet of this brightness has been photographed at such high resolution after its pass by the Sun. Earlier attempts to photograph other bright comets (such as comet ATLAS) proved unsuccessful as they disintegrated in the searing heat.

Comets often break apart due to thermal and gravitational stresses at such close encounters, but Hubble's view suggests that NEOWISE's solid nucleus stayed intact. This heart of the comet is too small to be seen directly by Hubble. The ball of ice may be no more than 4.8 kilometres across. But the Hubble image does captures a portion of the vast cloud of gas and dust enveloping the nucleus, which measures about 18 000 kilometres across in this image.

Hubble's observation also resolves a pair of jets from the nucleus shooting out in opposite directions. They emerge from the comet's core as cones of dust and gas, and then are curved into broader fan-like structures by the rotation of the nucleus. Jets are the result of ice sublimating beneath the surface with the resulting dust/gas being squeezed out at high velocity.

The Hubble photos may also help reveal the colour of the comet’s dust and how that colour changes as the comet moves away from the Sun. This, in turn, may explain how solar heat affects the contents and structure of that dust and the comet’s coma. The ultimate goal here would be to determine the original properties of the dust. Researchers who used Hubble to observe the comet are currently delving further into the data to see what they’re able to find.

Hubble has captured other well-known comet visitors throughout the past year. This includes snapping images of the breakup of comet ATLAS in April 2020 and impressive images of the interstellar comet 2I BORISOV in October 2019 and December 2019.


More Information

The Hubble Space Telescope is a project of international cooperation between ESA and NASA.

Image credit: NASA, ESA, Q. Zhang (California Institute of Technology), A. Pagan (STScI)





Bethany Downer
ESA/Hubble, Public Information Officer
Garching, Germany

Source: ESA/Hubble/News 

Saturday, August 22, 2020

100 Cool Worlds Found Near The Sun

Artist’s impression of one of this study’s superlative discoveries, the oldest known wide-separation white dwarf plus cold brown dwarf pair. the small white orb represents the white dwarf (the remnant of a long-dead sun-like star), while the brown/orange foreground object is the newly discovered brown dwarf companion. this faint brown dwarf was previously overlooked until it was spotted by citizen scientists because it lies right within the plane of the milky way. Credit: NOIRLab/NSF/AURA/P. Marenfeld; Acknowledgement: William Pendrill

Maunakea, Hawaii –  How complete is our census of the Sun’s closest neighbors? Astronomers and a team of data-sleuthing volunteers participating in Backyard Worlds: Planet 9, a citizen science project, have discovered roughly 100 cool worlds near the Sun — objects more massive than planets but lighter than stars, known as brown dwarfs.

With the help of W. M. Keck Observatory on Maunakea in Hawaii, the research team found several of these newly discovered worlds are among the very coolest known, with a few approaching the temperature of Earth — cool enough to harbor water clouds.

The study will be published in the August 20, 2020 issue of The Astrophysical Journal and is available in preprint format on

Discovering and characterizing astronomical objects near the Sun is fundamental to our understanding of our place in, and the history of, the universe. Yet astronomers are still unearthing new residents of the solar neighborhood. The new Backyard Worlds discovery bridges a previously empty gap in the range of low-temperature brown dwarfs, identifying a long-sought missing link within the brown dwarf population.

These cool worlds offer the opportunity for new insights into the formation and atmospheres of planets beyond the solar system,” said lead author Aaron Meisner from the National Science Foundation’s NOIRLab. “This collection of cool brown dwarfs also allows us to accurately estimate the number of free-floating worlds roaming interstellar space near the Sun.

To identify several of the faintest and coolest of the newly discovered brown dwarfs, UC San Diego’s Professor of Physics Adam Burgasser and researchers from the Cool Star Lab used Keck Observatory’s sensitive Near-Infrared Echellette Spectrometer, or NIRES, instrument.

“We used the NIRES spectra to measure the temperature and gases present in their atmospheres. Each spectrum is essentially a fingerprint that allows us to distinguish a cool brown dwarf from other kinds of stars,” said Burgasser, a co-author of the study.

Artist’s impression of the oldest known wide-separation white dwarf plus cold brown dwarf pair. The small white orb represents the white dwarf (the remnant of a long-dead Sun-like star), while the brown/orange foreground object is the newly discovered brown dwarf companion. This faint brown dwarf was previously overlooked until it was spotted by citizen scientists, because it lies right within the plane of the Milky Way. Credit: NOIRLab/NSF/AURA/P. Marenfeld 

Follow-up observations using NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope, Mont Mégantic Observatory, and Las Campanas Observatory also contributed to the brown dwarf temperature estimates.

Brown dwarfs lie somewhere between the most massive planets and the smallest stars. Lacking the mass needed to sustain nuclear reactions in their core, brown dwarfs are sometimes referred to as “failed stars.” Their low mass, low temperature, and lack of internal nuclear reactions make them extremely faint — and therefore extremely difficult to detect. Because of this, when searching for the very coolest brown dwarfs, astronomers can only hope to detect such objects relatively close to the Sun.

To help find our Sun’s coldest, nearest neighbors, astronomers with the Backyard Worlds project turned to a worldwide network of more than 100,000 citizen scientists. These volunteers diligently inspect trillions of pixels of telescope images to identify the subtle movements of nearby brown dwarfs and planets. Despite the advances of machine learning and supercomputers, there’s still no substitute for the human eye when it comes to finding faint, moving objects.

Backyard Worlds volunteers have already discovered more than 1,500 stars and brown dwarfs near the Sun; this new discovery represents about 100 of the coldest in that sample. Meisner says this is a record for any citizen science program, and 20 of the citizen scientists are listed as co-authors of the study.

The availability of decades of astronomical catalogs through NOIRLab’s Astro Data Lab helped make the discoveries possible.

“The technical burden of downloading billion-object astronomical catalogs is typically insurmountable for individual investigators—including most professional astronomers,” said Meisner. “Thankfully, the Astro Data Lab’s open and accessible web portal allowed Backyard Worlds citizen scientists to easily query massive catalogs for brown dwarf candidates.”

Data sets from NASA’s WISE satellite as well as archival observations from telescopes at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory and Kitt Peak National Observatory were also key to these brown dwarf discoveries.

“It’s exciting these could be spotted first by a citizen scientist,” said Meisner. “The Backyard Worlds discoveries show that members of the public can play an important role in reshaping our scientific understanding of our solar neighborhood.”

Source: W. M. Keck Observatory


The Near Infrared Echellette Spectrograph (NIRES) is a prism cross-dispersed near-infrared spectrograph built at the California Institute of Technology by a team led by Chief Instrument Scientist Keith Matthews and Prof. Tom Soifer. Commissioned in 2018, NIRES covers a large wavelength range at moderate spectral resolution for use on the Keck II telescope and observes extremely faint red objects found with the Spitzer and WISE infrared space telescopes, as well as brown dwarfs, high-redshift galaxies, and quasars. Support for this technology was generously provided by the Mt. Cuba Astronomical Foundation.

About W. M. Keck Observatory

The W. M. Keck Observatory telescopes are among the most scientifically productive on Earth. The two 10-meter optical/infrared telescopes on the summit of Maunakea on the Island of Hawaii feature a suite of advanced instruments including imagers, multi-object spectrographs, high-resolution spectrographs, integral-field spectrometers, and world-leading laser guide star adaptive optics systems.

Some of the data presented herein were obtained at Keck Observatory, which is a private 501(c) 3 non-profit organization operated as a scientific partnership among the California Institute of Technology, the University of California, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The Observatory was made possible by the generous financial support of the W. M. Keck Foundation. The authors wish to recognize and acknowledge the very significant cultural role and reverence that the summit of Maunakea has always had within the Native Hawaiian community. We are most fortunate to have the opportunity to conduct observations from this mountain.